Corporate Training

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Looking for ways to improve the team-work skills?

Origami is a very deceptive activity. What at first looks like a passing way to create paper models can actually be an engrossing opportunity to teach and learn. Often when we teach children at our studio they spend hours working on designs without ever realizing that they’re not only working to create a model; they are also learning about spatial relationships, multi-cultural awareness, problem-solving, geometry, attention to detail, and how to follow a precise set of instructions. It is in this spirit of learning and growth through developing a new and fun skill that we offer corporate and group building activities tailored for your work environment.
One of the best things about origami in a group or corporate setting is that it puts people on equal footing. No matter the dynamic in an already established setting, creating origami models as a group allows people that might not otherwise excel to be leaders because it uses an entirely different skill set. And with corporate lessons from Taro’s we can even teach a fun “modular” form of origami where everyone makes the same origami unit and then all the units fit together, creating a lasting representation of working together. Feel free to call or email us today to see how we can create a memorable event for your business.

For more info, please call us at 718-360-5435 or e-mail

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David Koichiro Silvert, Junior Teacher in Tokyo, Japan

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